‘Dance – It’s the Summer of Love…’ Here and Now, the Steps Musical – Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham 23.11.2024

A night away up north with the girls, throw in a yummy dinner and an evening show and you got me a perfect girls weekend for me! The reason for heading to Birmingham was following the announcement that a brand new musical that included the hit songs from British pop band Steps would be previewing at the Alexandra Theatre. My friend being a huge Steps fan, didn’t need to think twice in booking ticket for her and for us! I was intrigued as to what was on store, being also a huge Steps fan in the past I would regularly dance and act out their many albums when I was younger – it was like I knew they would be good for a theatrical show.

This production Welcome you to seaside superstore ‘Better Best Bargains’, where it’s Friday night, the vibe is right, and everyone’s dancing in the aisles. But when Caz discovers the shelves are stocked with lies and betrayal, her wish for a summer of love for both her and her friends suddenly feels like a tragedy. Have they all lost their chance of a ‘happy ever after’? Or does love have other plans in store? writteann by Shaun Kitchener this brand new story comes equipped with many of the Steps classic songs that everyone loves such as Summer of Love, Heartbeat, Last Thing on My Mind, Its the Way You Make Me Feel, and Say You’ll Be Mine. Although most of the time the songs fitted along the story plot, others such as ‘5,6,7,8’ felt to me as if they threw that one in – just because which then led to some of the plot being a bit confusing, and if it wasn’t in there it wouldn’t really loose much. However, that being said the story itself hits a few homecomings that many of the audience can relate to, I particularly loved the honesty in Caz’s storyline, where she is open about her loss of her child, it made it very real and authentic which you dont often see in musicals and a very nice touch for a new one to present. There are also plenty of jokes and fun for the audience to enjoy thoughout, which was reflected in the many cheers, and laughs that echoed through the auditorium. It was due to the talent that portrayed the story that just made it that much better.

Rebecca Kenny headlines the cast as Caz, without doubt is given many moments to slay each of the solo’s she has been given. Along with an amazing portrayal of character perfectly fitted to the role that makes her an instant hit with the audience and loved by all. Supporting her at Better Best Bargins are her Trio of cashier friends one being Hilba Elchikche as the quiet in love with the boy at work Ben (Dan Partridge) who everyone knows but him, Neeta – having seen her in a few roles now, it has been great to see how versatile she can be, she took on the role with ease and grace.

Completing the trio was Sharlene Hector as Vel and Blake Patirck Anderson as Robbie, supporting the LGBTQ community within the story, Blake relationship with Jem (played by drag star River Medway) was such a joy to watch and follow through their journey of falling in love. That also can be reflected in Vel’s quest and secret love for Tracy (played by Helen Colby) both express a powerful message but also a situation that many of us in the audience and the general public can relate to.

Although the story at times fell a little bit flat and or confusion, there is no denying that this new musical brings its mark to the industry. Without a doubt you will laugh, your will cheer, you will boo but also come away enjoying a night of theatre and something new and different. I went in not knowing what to expect and came out buzzing and reminiscing of my childhood of the pop band I adored so much be incorporated into a hobby I love!

The production has since dimmed its lights at the Alexandra Theatre, but prior to closure it was announced that the musical will be hitting the road in August 2025, to kick start many ‘Summer of Loves’ for all tour dates head to their main website here. Will I catch it again, well this musical is defiantly NOT Better Best Forgotten so I think I will be needing to pick up some ‘bargin’ at the end of the year – watch this space!

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