Baby Broadway – Churchill Theatre, Bromley 23.02.2024
Ok so it has just been nearly a year, but the show is still making its rounds around the UK! I had spotted this show while looking at what was to come for 2024. A big dream of mine is to someday take Maisie to see a west end show, to work towards a two-show day! So this concert looked like a great chance to introduce her to the world of theatre!
Parents, bored of your standard nursery rhymes? want to listen to some culture – then look know more. Baby Broadway brings you from the West End, singers that perform for you and your kiddies for an hour concert you can sing and dance along to all songs from musicals and hit films such as My Fair Lady, Frozen, Mary Poppins along all while enjoying bubbles, puppetry, dance moves and more!
The concert itself was based in the downstairs bar of the Churchill Theatre – so you have to go down a fair few steps and leave your prams in a locked room prior. You can then choose your seat with your clan and get ready to be involved. The two performers had great voices and fully engaged with both the children and parents. They gave a wide variety of songs and allowed the kids to enjoy as they wish and get involved. Maisie (at this time was just 22 months) at first was a bit shy, but loved the bubbles which allowed her to gain a bit of confidence to do a bit of dancing. We particularly loved their rendition of ‘(Ive had) The Time of my Life’ which both Maisie and I got fully involved ensuring that we accomplished the lift!

The show was a perfect time to ensure the kids remained engaged and involved, it was great to show Maisie the music I love! The only thing, I feel that will help these concerts is – sadly Maisie had to go and have a change towards the end of the show and being in the Churchill the changing facilities for children were up the stairs, I ended taking her to the downstairs toilet and quickly changing her on the floor to avoid not missing too much of the concert. My advice would be to have a changing station at the back of the auditorium – which I can confirm they had plenty of room to include! Similar to Bring your Own Baby Comedy, who bring along two changing mats and place them on the tables so parents and kiddies can enjoy the songs and not miss out or stress about finding the appropriate facilities.
Maisie thoroughly enjoyed herself, it also tuckered her out later on for mummy to enjoy a couple of hours of peace!
Playing at numerous locations throughout UK, for all information head to their website here. You will also see that they do other concerts and classes for parents and children.