He’s BEHIND you! – Jack and the Beanstalk! – 30.12.12 Mayflower, Southampton
Although this was in the end of last year, I received the photos the other day and wanted to write my review 🙂
The last time I saw a pantomime must have been over 10 years ago maybe even more, cause to be honest I can’t remember except for 2 both Cinderella, one in Sussex somewhere I believe with Jimmy the Mallet, and then again at the Mayflower with Brian Connelly.
When knowing what this years production was going to be, and who was in the cast I knew I wanted to try and go and see it! Lucky I found someone who also wanted to go 🙂 so on Sunday 30th we attended the 5:30 showing! The Mayflower, Southampton is a very big theatre and having been there a lot I have sat in almost every level and area! In my opinion anywhere you sit, you are guaranteed a very good view, here I was sitting in row U seat 31 and 30 which was in the stalls to the left side and quite far back, but even so I was able to view the whole stage and see the actors faces and emotions with out having to get the £1 binoculars out! The price for those seats were £35, which I think is the best thing about Mayflower is you can get great seats for not a lot of money! 🙂 highly recommended theatre!
So how was the performance? a very classic pantomime, from the start the audience children and adults are involved and that 4th wall is broken. The story however wasn’t the normal Jack and the Beanstalk story of how Jack traded in their cow, for magic beans and his mother was angry so she threw them outside and overnight they grew into a beanstalk which lead to the giant in the castle in the sky to whom had gold and a goose that laid golden eggs, to which Jack took to become wealthy and killed the Giant from cutting down the beanstalk. No, instead it was the Giant ruled the town, giving higher taxes when he wanted and if not threatened the town with his foot! The Mayors then put out a award of his daughter Princess Apricot hand in marriage to anyone who would stand up to the giant and luckily it was Jack, (who Princess Apricot fancied anyway), but then Princess Apricot gets stolen by the Giants right hand man Fleshcreep kidnapped Princess Apricot and takes her to the Giant to be Married. So Jack and Everyone (Mayor, Dame Trot, Lucy, Lady in Waiting, Simple Simon) go up the beanstalk (which is created in the traditional stories way) to rescue her. In the end they rescue her and take some gold coins and again in the traditional story way Jack cuts down the Beanstalk which kills the Giant and leaves the town free of his evil Taxes.
So the story brought a new twist to Jack and The Beanstalk, making it is own interpretation and giving the audience something new to enjoy. The other new approach to this production was the 3D effects, something I have never experienced within a theatre before, you didn’t have to wear the glasses for the whole performance however, but only for when the we were at the Giants Castle were we told to put on our glasses on to be attack by what lived around the castle, insects, goblins, mutants and it was very effected to, at one point my friend who was with me jumped when a spider came flying at us! it was also funny to see the actors joking around as to when they could move as they had to wait for the film! All in all it was very effective, however the effects could have been a lot cleaner rather than looking like an old computer game on the Nintendo 64, but I know that would cost a bundle!!
So onto the actors, and yes I met them. Sadly Nigel Havers who played Fleshcreep didn’t stop for a photo but I did get a autograph :p anyway his performance was very well played, singing as entertaining from the classic Lion King ‘Be Prepared’ though most of it can be done through speaking theatrically! He got the audience going BOO every time he walked on stage and that has to be a sign of a good villain! You could tell he was enjoying all this scenes with Julian Clary the sprit of the beans, as he was always caught having a giggle, which just adds to pantomime cause not only are the audience enjoying it but he is too!
So The Sprit of the Beans, the one who brought the ‘magic’ to the stage, played by the amazing Julian Clary! (wouldn’t recognise him in the photo), he was brilliant and one that wasn’t a stranger to a pantomime (having watching him perform on everyone that was on ITV2 during Christmas) he brought the charisma, and his presence was always a strong one, every entrance he would have a new extravagant outfit that only he could pull off, and his one liners were always followed by roar of laughter, sometimes it was amazing on what he got a away with saying, but he also would keep the others on their toes, and would even have them in fits of laughter! 🙂 favourite moments were his ab lib during Any Dream Will Do, and his Solo in act 2!
Simple Simon played by ventriloquist Paul Zerdin again another one not a stranger to the world of pantomime and I used to love watching him on the Royal Variety shows with his puppet Sam 🙂 who was there too (of course) He was one that really addressed the audience as every time he was on stage he would not fail to say “Hi Gang” they would reply “hi Simon!” and another one that wasn’t failing making the audience laugh! His Moments with Sam had to be the best bits though bringing in his classic acts and arguments with the quick witty puppet Sam, believe me I was even shocked at one point what he can do with Sam! He was really nice to meet and even in person that he is on stage, I bet he is amazing to work with 🙂
Last but not least the last top name of the Cast, Lee Mead as Jack, this was his first time ever doing pantomime and you could really tell that he wasn’t yet used to the act of addressing the audience and getting them loud and involved, which is something he may not of done when performing in Joseph (to which he one Andrew Lloyd Webber’s ‘Any Dream Will Do’) Wicked, or Legally Blonde where the 4th wall is never broken.  it took a while to warm up to him, but he was really good and had his comic moments! especially that of him ‘flying’ with Julian Clary. But one thing no one can deny is his voice, whenever he sang it brought a smile to my face, its just so powerful that it overtakes you and you just want to hear more! Was so happy I got to see him sing “Any Dream Will Do” as sadly didn’t get the chance to see him as Joseph. Even his version of ‘My Heart Will Go On’ left me wanting to hear more! He was very nice at the stage door who stopped to chat and was very friendly!
All in all my visit back to Pantomime was not a disappointment! I hope that it wont be another 10 years till I see my next one!
Next week I am off to see Woman in Black at the Woking Theatre New Victoria, first time I have been to that one so will be interesting to see what its like and if I survive the play :-S nervous!! and also planning a trip to see Les Miserable sometime this year, and Cats which is touring and coming to the Mayflower in process of booking! exciting!!!